Dispelling Direct Pooled Project Concerns

    Global Investment Voice
    Global Investment Voice
    Dispelling Direct Pooled Project Concerns

    Mona, Rebecca and Mark are joined by FIVE leaders of various opportunities to discuss direct pooled project and dispel common concerns.

    Projects and people appearing in this episode include:
    1. Silvercare Nursing & Rehabilitation Center – Dr. Xiaobin Li & Jeff Wang
    2. Houston EB-5 – Roberto Contreras
    3. Tesla Direct Pooled Project – Robert Pearson
    4. The Catskills Hotel/NYC Restaurants EB5 – Vishal Dhar
    5. Tada – Krishna Garimella

    Have a topic or question you would like covered on a future episode of EB-5 Investment Voice? Let us know over at https://mshahlaw.com/contact-us/ or using the contact details below.

    Phone: 212-233-7473
    Email: info@mshahlaw.com

    To discover the show notes on this episode as well as other topics, information, and resources; please head over to https://mshahlaw.com/Podcast/